Deep Blue Cleanup Videos

In the fall of 2021, an OETN advisor supported 81 engineering students from Carleton University to create 22 educational videos highlighting existing sustainable technologies and products that could help combat and mitigate climate change. The latter are going to be publish by the Deep Blue Cleanup and will be presented to kids from the ages of 15 to 16 years of age. Throughout this project, our advisor provided feedback, comments and recommendation to make the content of the videos more approachable, relatable and interactive for their target audience.

The videos will soon be available on the Deep Blue Cleanup’s website, a non-profit organization that uses education as a tool to empower youth to think critically about plastic pollution.

Advisor: Paule Bhérer-Breton, OETN Program Coordinator

Research Team: Undergraduate engineering students at Carleton University


Sustainable Playground