Sustainable Playground
As part of their Communications course, undergraduate engineering students from the University of Ottawa were tasked to research the development of a park/playground for a low-income area of Ottawa. The park was supposed to 1) make recreation more accessible to children with physical disabilities, and those from low-income families, 2) act as a model of environmental and economic sustainability, 3) contribute to the physical and mental well-being of children. This project will also give the students the opportunity to 1) see how environmental sustainability concerns can be incorporated into designs/solutions, 2) do research which could contribute to the health and sustainability of a community, 3) interact with the community members with a vested interest in the development of such a park. Students in this course produced reports which outlined their research findings. They were not involved in the actual development of the park.
Advisor: Andrew Harvey
Research Team: Students from the Carleton University in the Communications course with professor Lisa Meyer (School of Linguistics and Language Studies)